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The figures in the report generally refer to the calendar year 2023 with a reporting date of December 31, 2023. Exceptions are marked accordingly. All figures are based on more detailed data. As some values are rounded, totals may differ slightly. Annual averages are used to form some ratios. The figures are often divided into the categories “Germany”, “International” and “Group”. “Germany” refers to the location of employees in Germany (irrespective of the segment). “International“ refers to all employees at locations outside Germany, and ”Group“ refers to all employees. Some data is broken down according to our operating segments - i.e. Germany, USA, Europe, Group Development and the Systems Business. Group Headquarters & Group Services (GHS) includes all Group units that are not directly allocated to one of the operating segments.

For better readability, we use the generic masculine in all headlines, graphics and footnotes. Female and diverse gender identities are explicitly included. For all accompanying text, we use the neutral inclusive address. FTE stands for full time equivalents and is used in the Factbook as the unit of measurement for the size of the workforce. FTE therefore reflects the calculated number of full-time equivalents based on all full- and part-time staff.