Engagement score in the Group
Decrease in engagement level
This year, the engagement score at Group level decreased by 2 points, to 76, marking a halt in the upward trend of the preceding two years. This was true at all levels, among all genders, and in every age group. The highest engagement score was recorded for executives, with 88 points, followed by managers, with 87 points; while engagement was lowest among employees, with 75 points. As in previous years, female and male employees had comparable engagement scores, with a slight upward trend (+3) among female employees, at 79 points. The engagement score was conspicuously low among non-binary employees, with 59 points. The picture also remained consistent for the defined age groups.
As a Group, we are determined to continuously improve these results and our employees’ working environment. The top drivers behind the engagement score – Culture of Trust, Career Development, Recognition, and Team Attractiveness – offer some useful starting points in this regard.