Results from pulse survey 2023
Agreement rates down, especially at national level
Results from pulse survey 20231
Once again, more than 100,000 employees responded to our recent pulse survey in November 2023, a response rate of 77 percent.
Year-on-year, the agreement rate regarding the mood in Germany declined by 5 percentage points, to 76 percent, while the global figure was up 1 percent, to 82 percent. On the national level, most of the rates indicated a decrease, whereas internationally they remained largely stable or increased slightly.
Analyses found that Culture of Trust, Career Development, Recognition, and Team Attractiveness are the top drivers of engagement. Meanwhile, the highest scores were recorded for Goals, Code of Conduct, and No Discrimination & Safe Space. Career Development, Recognition, and Collaboration continue to trail behind, with only Recognition showing a slight year-on-year increase.
This year, we asked four open questions. The question on Engagement3 elicited 39,000 comments, most of which related to matters of recognition and leadership. The question on Career Development4 elicited 15,000 comments, primarily relating to performance and development. The question on the Culture of Trust5 received 11,000 comments, in particular about management or the management level. Finally, the question on Team Attractiveness6 received a total of 10,950 comments, most of which concerned coworkers and collaboration.
Results from pulse survey 2023: Group1
1 Excluding T‑Mobile US.
2 The item “I have freedom to act in order to get my job done” was renamed from “Trust” to “Autonomy.”
Results from pulse survey 2023: Germany1
1 Excluding T‑Mobile US.
2 The item “I have freedom to act in order to get my job done” was renamed from “Trust” to “Autonomy.”
Results from pulse survey 2023: International1
1 Excluding T‑Mobile US.
2 The item “I have freedom to act in order to get my job done” was renamed from “Trust” to “Autonomy.”
3 3What would make your engagement at work even stronger?
4 4Is there anything else you would like to share on the topic of career development?
5 5Is there anything else you would like to share on the topic of culture of trust?
6 6Is there anything else you would like to share on the topic of team attractiveness?