Consolidated statement of comprehensive income (XLS:) Download millions of € 2019 2018 2017 a For the new items in relation to IFRS 9 to be recognized in accordance with IAS 1, Deutsche Telekom utilizes the option of not showing comparative figures for the prior-year period. b The measurement category “available-for-sale financial assets” as per IAS 39 was to be applied for the last time as of December 31, 2017. c Gains and losses from hedging costs were recognized for the last time as of December 31, 2017 under IAS 39 as part of gains and losses from hedging instruments. Under IFRS 9, gains and losses from hedging costs are recognized separately in equity. d In the 2018 and 2019 financial years, hedging costs relate entirely to cross currency basis spreads. For further information, please refer to Note 41 “Financial instruments and risk management.” PROFIT (LOSS) 5,268 3,329 5,551 Items not subsequently reclassified to profit or loss (not recycled) Gains (losses) from the remeasurement of equity instrumentsa 99 (619) 0 Gains (losses) from the remeasurement of defined benefit plans (603) 127 116 Revaluation due to business combinations 0 0 0 Share of profit (loss) of investments accounted for using the equity method 0 0 0 Income taxes relating to components of other comprehensive income 134 36 (19) (369) (456) 97 Items subsequently reclassified to profit or loss (recycled), if certain reasons are given Exchange differences on translating foreign operations Recognition of other comprehensive income in income statement (8) (1) 0 Change in other comprehensive income(not recognized in income statement) 463 1,033 (2,196) Gains (losses) from the remeasurement of available-for-sale financial assetsa,b Recognition of other comprehensive income in income statement n.a. n.a. 7 Change in other comprehensive income(not recognized in income statement) n.a. n.a. 27 Gains (losses) from the remeasurement of debt instrumentsa Recognition of other comprehensive income in income statement (47) (75) n.a. Change in other comprehensive income(not recognized in income statement) 34 84 n.a. Gains (losses) from hedging instrumentsa,c Recognition of other comprehensive income in income statement n.a. n.a. 450 Change in other comprehensive income(not recognized in income statement) n.a. n.a. (270) Gains (losses) from hedging instruments (designated risk components)a Recognition of other comprehensive income in income statement (148) (32) n.a. Change in other comprehensive income(not recognized in income statement) (483) (382) n.a. Gains (losses) from hedging instruments (hedging costs)a,d Recognition of other comprehensive income in income statement 2 3 n.a. Change in other comprehensive income(not recognized in income statement) (9) 56 n.a. Share of profit (loss) of investments accounted for using the equity method Recognition of other comprehensive income in income statement (7) 0 0 Change in other comprehensive income(not recognized in income statement) 11 7 0 Income taxes relating to components of other comprehensive income 155 86 (58) (38) 779 (2,040) OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (407) 323 (1,943) TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 4,861 3,652 3,608 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO Owners of the parent 3,514 2,181 2,340 Non-controlling interests 1,347 1,471 1,268