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Changes in accounting policies and changes in the reporting structure

Deutsche Telekom did not make any major changes to its accounting policies in the reporting period. The following change was made to the reporting structure:

Change in reporting of revenue by revenue categories. Effective January 1, 2023, the previously reported breakdown of revenues by revenue category (from the rendering of services, from the sale of goods and merchandise, and from the use of entity assets by others) was replaced by a breakdown into service revenues and non-service revenues in line with the Group’s management model. In addition, effective January 1, 2023, the definition of service revenues was extended as follows: Certain software revenues generated with ICT business in the Systems Solutions and Europe operating segments, as well as in the Group Headquarters & Group Services segment, have been included since this date. Prior-year comparatives have been adjusted retrospectively.

For further information on revenue, please refer to Note 20 “Net revenue.”

ICT – Information and Communication Technology
Information and Communication Technology