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Changes in accounting policies, changes in the reporting structure

Deutsche Telekom did not make any major changes to its accounting policies in the reporting year.

Effective January 1, 2021, Deutsche Telekom reassigned the responsibility for business and profit and loss for Deutsche Telekom IoT GmbH from the Systems Solutions operating segment to the business customer unit in the Germany operating segment. Deutsche Telekom IoT GmbH is responsible for the IoT business of Deutsche Telekom. This reassignment makes it possible to serve the IoT market more quickly and thus to strengthen Deutsche Telekom’s position on this growth market. Prior-year comparatives in both of the segments affected have accordingly been adjusted retrospectively in segment reporting.

As of January 1, 2021, Deutsche Telekom transferred the Austrian cell tower business from the Europe operating segment to GD Towers in the Group Development operating segment to enhance the management efficiency in cell tower business. In addition, GD Towers will increase its efforts to expand third-party business, increase profitability, and develop growth areas. Furthermore, Deutsche Telekom IT (DT IT) Russia, DT IT Slovakia, and DT IT Hungary were reassigned from the Germany operating segment to the Group Headquarters & Group Services segment effective January 1, 2021. Prior-year comparatives in the segments affected have not been adjusted retrospectively, since the effects are immaterial for the Group and the costs for preparing the adjustment would outweigh the benefit.

IoT – Internet of Things
The IoT enables the intelligent networking of things like sensors, devices, machines, vehicles, etc., with the aim of automating applications and decision-making processes. Deutsche Telekom’s IoT portfolio ranges from SIM cards and flexible data rate plans to IoT platforms in the cloud and complete solutions from a single source.