2 Trade receivables
Trade receivables increased by EUR 1.8 billion to EUR 15.3 billion. The increase was primarily driven by higher receivables under the Equipment Installment Plan and growth in customer numbers in the United States operating segment. The carrying amount also increased in the Germany and Europe operating segments due to the reporting date. Exchange rate effects, primarily from the translation from U.S. dollars into euros, also increased receivables. Lower receivables in the Group Development operating segment, primarily as a result of the reclassification of T‑Mobile Netherlands’ assets to non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale in connection with the agreed sale, had an offsetting effect. Of the total of trade receivables, EUR 12,462 million (December 31, 2020: EUR 11,473 million) is due within one year.
For further information on the agreed sale of T‑Mobile Netherlands, please refer to the section “Changes in the composition of the Group and other transactions” under “Summary of accounting policies.”
For information on allowances, credit ratings, and write-offs of receivables as well as on factoring agreements, please refer to Note 40 “Financial instruments and risk management.”