Remuneration granted and owed for former Board of Management members in accordance with § 162 AktG
The remuneration granted and owed and the relative share of these for former members of the Board of Management, which are to be made public in accordance with § 162 (1) sentence 1 AktG, are shown in the following table. The table shows the pension amounts paid out in the 2024 financial year resulting from existing pension commitments as well as the 2023 STI and LTI (Variable II, 2020 tranche) paid out.
The STI paid out to Adel Al-Saleh in the 2024 financial year resulted from his last year as a member of the Board of Management. With regard to his 2023 STI, a target achievement of 109 % was set before the application of the performance factor. Following application of the individual performance factor of 0.95, the total target achievement was 104 %.
Depending on the reason for departure, members of the Board of Management who leave the Group during the four-year term of Variable II may participate on a pro-rata basis. If this is the case, the members of the Board of Management who have left receive the payment of the tranche due at the same time and with the same level of target achievement as current members of the Board of Management. The participation contribution that was originally agreed is the only element to be reduced pro rata. This means that the same details for target achievement apply as for the current members of the Board of Management. The target achievement for the tranche 2020 is 146 %.
In addition to the individual payments to former members of the Board of Management shown in the table, a further EUR 8.3 million were paid out in the 2024 financial year to former members of the Board of Management in the form of pension payments that can no longer be reported individually for data privacy reasons in accordance with § 162 (5) AktG.