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Remuneration granted and owed for current Board of Management members in accordance with § 162 AktG

The remuneration granted and owed and the relative share of these for current members of the Board of Management, which are to be made public in accordance with § 162 (1) sentence 1 AktG, are shown in the following table. The table shows the basic remuneration paid out in the 2024 financial year, the remuneration in kind, the STI paid out in the 2024 financial year which was set for 2023, the LTI (Variable II, 2020 tranche) paid out in the 2024 financial year for which the term of the plan was from 2020 to 2023, and the non-cash benefit (value of the shares at the time of transfer) of the matching shares transferred in the 2024 financial year based on the participation in the SMP. The LTI (Variable II, 2020 tranche) is still a component of the remuneration system that applied until 2020. Please note for the presentation of remuneration granted and owed to Timotheus Höttges that the LTI was reduced by an amount of EUR 640,182 to prevent the maximum remuneration of EUR 9,100,000 from being exceeded.

Remuneration granted and owed for current Board of Management members















Fixed remuneration components

Variable remuneration components




Basic remuner­ation


Remuner­ation in kind/
fringe benefits




(Variable II)


Matching shares transferred


Total remuneration


Dr. Ferri Abolhassan

€ 900,000

98 %

€ 14,301

2 %

€ 914,301


Birgit Bohle

€ 1,100,000

31 %

€ 12,059

1 %

€ 1,092,000

31 %

€ 803,000

22 %

€ 531,316

15 %

€ 3,538,375


Srinivasan Gopalan

€ 1,100,000

29 %

€ 19,725

1 %

€ 1,138,800

30 %

€ 985,500

25 %

€ 579,520

15 %

€ 3,823,545


Timotheus Höttges

€ 2,130,000

23 %

€ 72,046

1 %

€ 2,466,000

27 %

€ 2,218,985b

25 %

€ 2,212,969

24 %

€ 9,100,000


Dr. Christian P. Illek

€ 1,150,000

30 %

€ 29,383

1 %

€ 1,109,700

29 %

€ 985,500

26 %

€ 520,080

14 %

€ 3,794,663


Thorsten Langheim

€ 1,150,000

29 %

€ 16,806

1 %

€ 1,123,400

29 %

€ 944,438

24 %

€ 674,092

17 %

€ 3,908,736


Dominique Leroy

€ 1,100,000

37 %

€ 14,108

1 %

€ 1,066,975

36 %

€ 780,188

26 %

€ 2,961,271


Claudia Nemat

€ 1,150,000

30 %

€ 50,519

1 %

€ 1,090,600

28 %

€ 985,500

25 %

€ 613,187

16 %

€ 3,889,806



As % of total remuneration. The percentage figures in the table above were not uniformly rounded in accordance with standard commercial practices, so that a total of 100 % could be shown in each case.


The full LTI amount based on target achievement of 146 % would have amounted to EUR 2,859,167. If the full LTI amount is taken into account, the fixed component and the variable component of remuneration granted and owed to Timotheus Höttges account for 23 % and 77 %, respectively.

Short-Term Incentive (STI – 2023)

Target achievement for the STI in the 2023 financial year

The short-term variable remuneration (STI) paid out in the 2024 financial year is based on the 2023 financial year and consists in equal parts (one-third each) of Group financial targets, segment financial targets, and ESG targets. Target achievement for the targets applied can range between 0 % and 150 %. The performance factor resolved by the Supervisory Board is then applied to the resulting target achievement. The stipulated targets, the target achievement, and the resulting payment amounts can be seen in the following table:

STI – Target achievement 2023


















Group financial targets

Segment financial targets

ESG targets





[weighting: 33.3 %]

[weighting: 33.3 %]

[weighting: 33.3 %]





Service revenues



Service revenues


Ext. adj. indirect costs AL

CO2 emissions

Energy consumption

Target achieve­ment

Perfor­mance factor

Total target


Member of the Board of Management

[30 %]

[30 %]

[40 %]


[33,3 %]

[33,3 %]

[33,3 %]


[50 %]

[50 %]



[0.8 – 1.2]



Birgit Bohle

97 %

125 %

150 %

126 %

133 %

108 %

92 %

111 %

137 %

150 %

143 %

127 %


140 %


Srinivasan Gopalan

97 %

125 %

150 %

126 %

135 %

125 %

123 %

128 %

137 %

150 %

143 %

132 %


146 %


Timotheus Höttges

97 %

125 %

150 %

126 %

97 %

125 %

92 %

105 %

137 %

150 %

143 %

125 %


137 %


Dr. Christian P. Illek

97 %

125 %

150 %

126 %

97 %

125 %

92 %

105 %

137 %

150 %

143 %

125 %


137 %


Thorsten Langheim

97 %

125 %

150 %

126 %

97 %

125 %

92 %

105 %

137 %

150 %

143 %

125 %


137 %


Dominique Leroy

97 %

125 %

150 %

126 %

150 %

150 %

91 %

130 %

137 %

150 %

143 %

133 %


147 %


Claudia Nemat

97 %

125 %

150 %

126 %

133 %

108 %

92 %

111 %

137 %

150 %

143 %

127 %


133 %


Group financial targets

The Group financial targets set by the Supervisory Board and the target achievement of the Group financial targets derived from these can be seen in the table below:

STI – Group financial targets 2023

billions of €









Lower target achievement
threshold 0 %

Target value 100 % target achievement

Upper target achievement
threshold 150 %


Target achievement

Service revenues

30 %





97 %


30 %





125 %


40 %





150 %


The actual values have been adjusted to include non-budgeted inorganic effects (first-time consolidations and deconsolidations of companies during the course of the year, exchange rate fluctuations) and one-time effects.

Target achievement for service revenues for the Group was slightly below the planned budget value. In terms of EBITDA AL and FCF AL, results were considerably better than assumed in the budget, leading to target achievement of 125 % and 150 %, respectively. This resulted in weighted target achievement for the Group financial targets for the 2023 financial year of 126 %.

Segment financial targets

The segment financial targets on which the 2023 STI was based are distributed in the same way as for 2024, as shown in the figure in the section on performance-based remuneration components, with the exception of the use of the OPEX ratio instead of external adjusted indirect costs.

ESG targets

The ESG targets were identical for the 2023 STI as for the 2024 STI, which are detailed in the section of the remuneration report on performance-based remuneration components. Overall, the weighted target achievement for the ESG targets was determined to be at 143 %.

The figure for the “CO2 emissions” target for 2023 was also adjusted retrospectively in the management report for the 2024 financial year to account for fugitive emissions, which means that the figure in the management report differs from the one in the table below. Please refer to the section on ESG targets in the 2024 reporting year for more information on the retrospective consideration of fugitive emissions.

The level of ambition and the target achievement derived from this can be seen in the following table:

STI – ESG targets 2023










Lower target achievement threshold 0 %

Target value 100 % target achievement

Upper target achievement threshold 150 %


Target achievement

CO2 emissions

50 %





137 %

Energy consumption

50 %





150 %


Budget value and target range refer to total CO2 emissions.


Budget value and target range refer to total energy consumption values.

Performance factor

When setting the personal performance factor for the 2023 STI, the Supervisory Board took into account performance in regard to the strategic implementation targets and the value adherence scores, and set a factor of 1.1 for Birgit Bohle, Srinivasan Gopalan, Timotheus Höttges, Dr. Christian P. Illek, Thorsten Langheim, and Dominique Leroy. A factor of 1.05 has been set for Claudia Nemat and a factor of 0.95 for Adel Al-Saleh.

For the 2023 financial year, the Supervisory Board had agreed the following personal strategic implementation targets with the members of the Board of Management, which were a component of the performance review by the Supervisory Board:

Personal strategic implementation targets

Timotheus Höttges

  • Leading Digital Telco: implementation of the new strategy (in line with the strategic priorities)
  • Creation of more investment-friendly regulatory conditions to enable the monetization of networks
  • Increased value creation at T‑Mobile US
  • Enabling scalability across segments
  • Implementation of the ESG strategy

Adel Al-Saleh

  • Growth in strategic focus areas
  • Transformation of T‑Systems
  • Implementation of the organizational realignment of T‑Systems
  • Achievement of the cash contribution: break even in 2023

Birgit Bohle

  • Maintenance of general employee satisfaction
  • Acceleration of Group-wide skills transformation
  • Further development of the (hybrid) corporate culture
  • Implementation of the HR strategy
  • Legal: minimization of legal and regulatory risks

Srinivasan Gopalan

  • High-value growth in core business
  • Improvement in customer and employee satisfaction
  • Efficiency enhancement and continued cost reductions
  • Implementation of the Leading Digital Telco strategy

Dr. Christian P. Illek

  • Improved Company efficiency
    • Driving and simplifying digital transformation
    • Reduction in indirect costs
    • Further development of DTSE and real estate operations
  • Ensuring refinancing options: stabilization of net debt/EBITDA (adjusted for special factors) in a difficult economic environment
  • Increased value creation at T‑Mobile US and support for strategic priorities
  • Improvement of the internal control system (ICS)

Thorsten Langheim

  • Increased value creation at T‑Mobile US
  • Ensuring value-oriented portfolio management

Dominique Leroy

  • Implementation of the growth initiatives in Europe
  • Acceleration of the digital transformation in Europe
  • Acceleration of the fiber-optic and 5G build-out in Europe
  • Improved customer and employee satisfaction in Europe

Claudia Nemat

  • Implementation of “Telco as a platform”
  • Promotion of growth (e.g., RouterOS, Magenta Advantage)
  • Continuation of IT transformation and digitalization (with a focus on the Germany and Europe segments)
  • Acceleration of fiber-optic build-out and safeguarding of the resilience of supply chains (with a focus on the Germany and Europe segments)

The process for determining and deriving target achievement for value adherence is in line with the process applied for value adherence in the 2024 financial year. Please refer to the details in the section on performance-based remuneration components. Based on a comprehensive qualitative evaluation of the achievement of the strategic implementation targets listed and compliance with the value adherence criteria, the performance factors specified above and personal target achievement levels for the 2023 STI were determined for each member of the Board of Management.

Long-Term Incentive (Variable II – 2020 tranche)

The long-term variable remuneration (Variable II, 2020 tranche) paid out in the 2024 financial year is based on the Board of Management remuneration system that applied up to and including 2020 and consisted of four equally weighted target parameters for each of which target achievement can vary between 0 % and 150 %. Variable II (2020 tranche) is an entirely cash-based four-year plan with a term from 2020 to 2023. The level of ambition for the target values was set at the start of the term of the plan for all four years.

Target achievement was determined as follows:

Long-Term Incentive (LTI) – Target achievement 2023
















Year 2020

Year 2021

Year 2022

Year 2023



[25 %]

[25 %]

[25 %]

[25 %]



Target value

Actual valuea

Target achieve­ment

Target value

Actual valuea

Target achieve­ment

Target value

Actual valuea

Target achieve­ment

Target value

Actual valuea

Target achieve­ment

Total target


Average target achievement for the 2017 – 2020, 2018 – 2021 and 2019 – 2022 tranches

150 %

3.9 %

4.1 %

140 %

4.5 %

4.4 %

99 %

5.5 %

8.9 %

150 %

135 %

Adj. EPS

Average target achievement for the 2017 – 2020, 2018 – 2021 and 2019 – 2022 tranches

150 %

€ 1.08

€ 1.26

150 %

€ 1.25

€ 1.78

150 %

€ 1.48

€ 1.56

139 %

147 %

Customer satisfaction



150 %



150 %



150 %



150 %

150 %

Employee satisfaction



150 %



150 %



150 %



150 %

150 %

Total target achievement 2020 tranche

146 %


The actual values have been adjusted to include significant matters that were not taken into account for the medium-term planning (T-Mobile US business combination, exchange rate fluctuations (adjusted EPS)).

Share Matching Plan (SMP)

The amounts reported as total remuneration include the value applicable at the time of transfer of the matching shares in the 2024 financial year, which was subject to wage tax. All matching shares transferred in the 2024 financial year were transferred four years after the date of the mandatory personal investment in 2020. This means that the date of transfer was different for each member of the Board of Management, as there was a window of approximately three months in 2020 within which the Board member was able to make the personal investment. In this context, Timotheus Höttges received 74,417 shares on April 3, 2024 transferred at a share price of EUR 22.31 and 24,920 shares on April 4 2024 transferred at a share price of EUR 22.18. Thorsten Langheim received 16,292 shares on April 4, 2024 at a share price of EUR 22.18 and a further 14,183 shares on June 4, 2024 transferred at a share price of EUR 22.05. Birgit Bohle received 5,000 shares on April 4, 2024 at a share price of EUR 22.18, 7,279 shares on May 28, 2024 at a share price of EUR 21.67, and a further 11,940 shares on June 5, 2024 at a share price of EUR 22.00. Srinivasan Gopalan received 26,450 shares on May 15, 2024 at a share price of EUR 21.91. Dr. Christian P. Illek received 24,000 matching shares on May 28, 2024 transferred at a share price of EUR 21.67 and Claudia Nemat received a total of 27,350 shares on June 11, 2024 transferred at a share price of EUR 22.42.

AL – After Leases
Since the start of the 2019 financial year, we have taken the effects of the first-time application of IFRS 16 “Leases” into account when determining our financial performance indicators. “EBITDA after leases” (EBITDA AL) is calculated by adjusting EBITDA for depreciation of the right-of-use assets and for interest expenses on recognized lease liabilities. When determining “free cash flow after leases” (free cash flow AL), free cash flow is adjusted for the repayment of lease liabilities.