
1 Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents have an original maturity of less than three months and mainly comprise fixed-term bank deposits. They also include small amounts of cash-in-hand and checks. Deutsche Telekom obtained cash collateral of EUR 1,530 million (December 31, 2019: EUR 1,273 million) on the basis of collateral contracts as surety for potential credit risks arising from derivative transactions. Cash and cash equivalents increased by EUR 7.5 billion to EUR 12.9 billion.

For further information, please refer to Note 35 “Notes to the consolidated statement of cash flows.”

As of December 31, 2020, Deutsche Telekom reported cash and cash equivalents of EUR 38.0 million held by subsidiaries in North Macedonia (December 31, 2019: EUR 30.0 million). These subsidiaries are subject to foreign exchange controls or other legal restrictions. As a result, the cash balances are not fully available for use by the parent or other Group companies.