Consolidated income statement (XLS:) Download millions of € Q32019 Q32018 Change% Q1-Q32019 Q1-Q32018 Change% FY2018 The new IFRS 16 “Leases” accounting standard has been applied since January 1, 2019. Prior-year comparatives were not adjusted. For more information, please refer to the section “Accounting policies.” NET REVENUE 20,017 19,104 4.8 59,169 55,395 6.8 75,656 Of which: interest income calculated using the effective interest method 85 220 (61.4) 264 222 18.9 305 Other operating income 389 365 6.6 846 1,077 (21.4) 1,491 Changes in inventories 24 22 9.1 79 23 n.a. (14) Own capitalized costs 600 618 (2.9) 1,779 1,759 1.1 2,433 Goods and services purchased (8,916) (9,508) 6.2 (26,540) (27,190) 2.4 (38,160) Personnel costs (4,013) (4,026) 0.3 (12,576) (12,245) (2.7) (16,436) Other operating expenses (787) (701) (12.3) (2,282) (2,119) (7.7) (3,134) Impairment losses on financial assets (127) (91) (39.6) (268) (307) 12.7 (394) Gains (losses) from the write-off of financial assets measured at amortized cost 7 (26) n.a. (39) (45) 13.3 (120) Other (667) (584) (14.2) (1,975) (1,767) (11.8) (2,620) Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses (4,256) (3,344) (27.3) (12,811) (9,645) (32.8) (13,836) PROFIT (LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS 3,058 2,530 20.9 7,665 7,053 8.7 8,001 Finance costs (591) (443) (33.4) (1,784) (1,396) (27.8) (1,817) Interest income 90 64 40.6 248 193 28.5 277 Interest expense (681) (508) (34.1) (2,033) (1,589) (27.9) (2,094) Share of profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method 6 3 100.0 107 (527) n.a. (529) Other financial income (expense) (30) (61) 50.8 190 (175) n.a. (502) PROFIT (LOSS) FROM FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES (615) (502) (22.5) (1,488) (2,098) 29.1 (2,848) PROFIT (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES 2,442 2,029 20.4 6,178 4,956 24.7 5,153 Income taxes (623) (563) (10.7) (1,662) (1,427) (16.5) (1,824) PROFIT (LOSS) 1,819 1,466 24.1 4,516 3,529 28.0 3,329 PROFIT (LOSS) ATTRIBUTABLE TO Owners of the parent (net profit (loss)) 1,368 1,110 23.2 3,213 2,597 23.7 2,166 Non-controlling interests 451 355 27.0 1,303 932 39.8 1,163 Earnings per share (XLS:) Download Q32019 Q32018 Change% Q1-Q32019 Q1-Q32018 Change% FY2018 Profit (loss) attributable to the owners of the parent (net profit (loss)) millions of € 1,368 1,110 23.2 3,213 2,597 23.7 2,166 Adjusted weighted average number of basic/diluted ordinary shares outstanding millions 4,743 4,742 0.0 4,743 4,742 0.0 4,742 EARNINGS PER SHARE BASIC/DILUTED € 0.29 0.23 26.1 0.68 0.55 23.6 0.46